Reminders for the week of February 18, 2024
- Due to President’s Day, there will be NO SCHOOL on Monday, 2/19. Thank you!
- ELPAC Testing: ELPAC testing is here for our Multilingual English Learners (February 20-March 15)! If your dove will be taking the ELPAC, please make sure that they get a good night’s rest and have a healthy breakfast. Thank you!
- Teacher of the Year: Congratulations to Rene Valdivia (2nd Grade) for being voted as Fahari L. Jeffers' Teacher of the Year! Please feel free to congratulate her when you see her on campus!
- Picture Day: Spring Picture Day is this Wednesday! Please be sure to send your dove with their best smile. Thank you!
Monday, February 19
- President’s Day-No School
Tuesday, February 20
- 2:45-Basketball
- 2:45-Chavista Club
- 2:50-Japanese Club
- 2:50-Soccer Shots
Wednesday, February 21
- Spring Picture Day!!!! Please come wearing your best smile!!!
- 2:45-Chess Club
- 2:45-Heartlight Dance
- 2:45-Chess
Thursday, February 22
- 2:50-Escape Room
- 2:50-Lego Video Creation- Meet at Flagpole
- 2:50-Japanese Club- Meet at Snack Tables by the Playground
- 3pm-School Site Council
Friday, February 23
- 8:15-Blacktop Assembly
- 1pm-Soccer Shots
Looking Ahead:
- 3/7-3/15-Parent-Teacher Conferences/Modified Days
- 3/14-School Site Council
- 3/18-3/29-Spring Break; Students Return on Tuesday, 4/2, which is a modified day
Have an amazing week, and remember…It’s Great to be a Dove!