Greetings, Dynamic Doves!
Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year at Fahari L. Jeffers Elementary!
We are beyond excited to see your smiling faces, and hear about your Summer adventures. For returning families, we look forward to seeing you, and continuing to serve you, your family, and the entire Jefferscommunity. For families new to Jeffers, we are excited to meet you and your child! Know that we are all here to support your child/ren with transitioning to our dynamic school! Our staff and school community are all committed to providing the best educational experience possible here at Jeffers. So, please let us know how we can help!
Below there is quite a bit of important information, so we ask that you read it carefully.
Please note that newly registered families may not receive messages through Messenger yet. So, if you have a friend or neighbor that hasn’t received this information, please share it with them.
Bell Schedule:
*The first day of school is Wednesday, July 19th, which will be a minimum/modified day for ALL students.
**Kindergarten and TK students have modified days for the first two weeks of school. They will begin their full day schedule effective Monday, July 31st.
Please see the bell schedule below, which also includes the schedule for modified/minimum days. Note: EVERY FRIDAY is a modified/minimum day for ALL students.
SDC Preschool:
Monday – Thursday
8:30am -11:30AM - AM Class
12:30pm - 3:30pm - PM Class
No School
SDC Mild/Mod Primary Program:
Monday – Thursday
8:20am -2:35pm
Fridays & Modified Days
8:20am -1:10pm
Monday – Thursday
8:30 am –2:45 pm
Fridays & Modified Days
8:30 am - 1:15 pm
Monday – Thursday
8:15 am – 2:30 pm
Fridays & Modified Days
8:15 am – 1:00 pm
Grades 1st – 6th:
Monday – Thursday
8:15 am – 2:45 pm
Fridays & Modified Days
8:15 am – 1:00 pm
Important Info.:
TK and Kinder will have modified days every day for the first two weeks of school. TK and Kinder students return to the regular school schedule on Monday, July 31st.
*Students in 1st-6th grade, will only have modified days on Wednesday, 7/19 AND Friday, 7/21. Thursday, 7/20, will be a regular school days for students in 1st-6th.
*Every student will be on modified days EVERY Friday.
Class Assignments and School Tour:
On Monday, 7/17 and Tuesday, 7/18, from 3:30pm-5:30pm, parents and guardians may pick up class assignments, morning line assignments, and go on a self-guided tour of our school!
If for some reason, your student is not on a class list when you arrive, or if you are unable to attend either of these events, please call 619-216-6550 or visit the front office anytime between 8am and 3pm for support.
Student Arrival/Dismissal Procedures:
TK and SDC Pre-School Students: Parents will drop off and pick up children at the primary gate, located on the south side of the school, by the kinder playground. Gates open at 8:25am.
SDC Primary Students TK-1st: Parents will drop off and pick up children at the front gate @ 8:20am.
Kinder Students: Students in Kinder will line up on their assigned letter at the blacktop located near the back of the school. Letter assignments will be provided on 7/17 and 7/18. At dismissal, kinder students will be dismissed from the primary gate, located on the south side of the school, by the kinder playground.
*** If your child is in YMCA afterschool care, a representative from the “Y” will assist them and walk them to the childcare area inside the Multi-purpose room.
Students in 1st -6th Grade:
Students in 1st-6th grade will line up at their assigned letter on the blacktop. Letter assignments will be provided on 7/17 and 7/18. At dismissal, teachers will walk students to the front of the school. Students will be lined up according to grade-level at an orange cone.
*** If your child is in YMCA afterschool care, please make sure they know where to meet the YMCA representative. YMCA reps only assist and walk TK and K students to the childcare area.
Traffic Loop:
The traffic loop is only for parents who would like their child to quickly enter or exit their vehicle independently. If you need to exit your vehicle, or need to speak to your child’s teacher, you must park in a designated parking space in the main parking lot. Thank you for your understanding.
YMCA Childcare:
If you are in need of before and after school care, South Bay YMCA will be on-site at Jeffers to assist with your childcare needs. However, please remember that the Jeffersoffice is not able to assist with signing up for the DASH or YMCA programs as the YMCA program is not affiliated with our school.
The phone number for the South Bay YMCA is: (619) 421-9622
If you’re interested in learning more about the DASH program, please click the following link:
If you’re interested in learning more about the Character Builders program at JEFFERS, please click on the following link:
Parent Handbook:
The Fahari L. Jeffers Parent Handbook is a comprehensive guide to understanding the policies and procedures of our school. Please review the parent handbook to find out information about birthdays, attendance, deliveries, annual calendar, homework policy, and more! Our Parent Handbook can be accessed by clicking here:
23-24 Parent Handbook-JEFFERS-PDF.pdf
The cafeteria will be open for breakfast daily at 7:45am. Students that eat breakfast at school will be able to enter the main gate by the front office, and walk to the cafeteria near the lunch arbor to get their food. Students will enjoy their breakfast in the lunch arbor, and then walk to their assigned classroom line by 8:10am.
Bikes and Scooters:
Students must wear a helmet if they ride a scooter or bike. This will be enforced as student safety is a top priority. Bikes and scooters must be walked once students arrive to the campus sidewalk area.
Health Concerns/Medication:
If your child takes medication, and/or you need to share health information with the school nurse, please come by from 8am-3pm to drop off the medication, or call 619-216-6550, and ask to speak with Mavel Sanchez.
Back to School Night:
Back to School Night (BTSN) will be on Thursday, August 10th from 5pm-6:30pm for 1st-6th grade only. At BTSN, you will receive information about school supplies, homework, field trips, etc. Details for this event are forthcoming, but please SAVE THE DATE!
TK, Kinder, SDC Pre-School, and SDC MM Primary Classes will have orientation on the first day of school at start time. Be on the lookout next week for more information from your child's teacher.
School Supplies:
We recommend that parents purchase the following supplies for your child prior to the first day of school:
-Backpack (strongly recommended)
-Plastic or Metal Water Bottle (strongly recommended)
-A lunch bag for daily healthy snacks (fruit, cheese, yogurt, veggies, etc. -Please no candy, soda, or hot chips. Please no items with nuts/peanuts. or items that are difficult for children to clean up on their own)
-Pencil box with erasers, pencils, a box of crayons, and a small sharpener
-Headphones for individual use (earbuds preferred)
-Spiral Notebook
-Small binder or folder for homework and classwork
*Teachers will provide additional "Classroom Wish Lists" during the first week of school.
Class Dojo- Schoolwide Parent Communication System:
Next week, please be on the lookout for a link from CLASS DOJO from your child's teacher. On CLASS DOJO, you will be able to find important updates about events happening on campus, receive announcements from your child's teacher, and communicate directly with your child's teacher via instant messages.
Jeffers PTA Social Media Accounts:
- Please follow us for updates at:
We are BEYOND EXCITED to see you! This is going to be a fantastic year, and we are excited to serve you and your children. Let's work as a team to create the best environment possible for our DOVES!
If you need ANYTHING, please call the front office at 619-216-6550, or stop by between 8am-3pm.
Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you on Wednesday, July 19th; which is a modified day!
Thank you,
Fahari L. Jeffers Office Team and Principal Dr. Shawna Codrington
“Have a great day, and remember... It’s great to be a DOVE!”